
Common Questions

Difference between class A(object): and class A:

Subclassing object yields a new-style class (in Python 3, class A: defaults to new style). Some differences:

  1. Method Resolution Order (MRO) defined by __mro__ attribute of class, defines how inheritance hierarchies are walked. Before, it was depth first. Now, it is more sane and is based on __mro__.
  2. The __new__ constructor is added. This allows class to act as factory method, rather than return new instance of class. Useful for returning particular subclasses, or reusing immutable objects rather than creating new ones without having to change the creation interface.
  3. Descriptors. These are the feature behind such things as properties, classmethods, staticmethods etc. Essentially, they provide a way to control what happens when you access or set a particular attribute on a (new style) class.
class D(object):

class E:

# ['__class__', '__delattr__', '__dict__', '__doc__', '__format__', '__getattribute__', '__hash__', '__init__', '__module__' , '__new__', '__reduce__', '__reduce_ex__', '__repr__', '__setattr__', '__sizeof__', '__str__', '__subclasshook__', '__wea kref__']

# ['__doc__', '__module__']

How are arguments passed - by reference or by value?

It is actually call by object, call by sharing, or call by object reference, so the answer is neither.

In Python, everything is an object and all variables hold references to objects. So what’s being passed are objects (references) and can only be changed if they are mutable (lists and dicts). Note that numbers, strings, and tuples are immutable.

Sum/multiply all the elements in a list

# basic
s = 0
for x in range(10):
    s += x

# the right way
s = sum(range(10))

# basic
s = 1
for x in range(1, 10):
    s *= x

# the other way
from operator import mul
s = reduce(mul, range(1,10))

This brings up the discussion of functional programming concepts in python. These functions can be used in conjunction with lambda instead of longer for loops.

map(function, seq)

Takes a function and applies it to each item in the sequence. The resulting object is an iterable object. Thus, apply list() to the map object to get a list output. Or loop through it.

a = map(lambda x: x*2, range(0,10))
for i in a:

filter(function, seq)

Filter extracts elements in the sequence that return True. Note that function can be None, and thus it will return items that are True.

a = filter(lambda x: x > 1, range(0,10))

reduce(function, seq)

Reduce applies a function of two arguments, cumulatively to the items of a sequence. It returns one value back (the cumulative value).

from functools import reduce
a = reduce(lambda x, y: x * y, [1,2,3,4])
a == 24 # True

Note that that function takes two arguments. The sequence of operations goes as follows (((1*2) * 3) * 4).

Difference between tuples and list

Lists are mutable while tuples are not. More importantly, tuples can be hashed (used as keys for dictionaries). Tuples are used if order of elements in a sequence matters (e.g. coordinates, points of a path, etc).

t = ((1,'a'), (2,'b'))
# OUT: {1: 'a', 2: 'b'}

dict((y,x) for x,y in t)
# OUT: {'b': 2, 'a': 1}

{y:x for x,y in t}
# OUT: {'b': 2, 'a': 1}

What are decorators and what is their usage?

Decorators allow you to inject or modify code in functions or clases. Basically, a wrapper to an existing function. Thus, allows you to execute a code before or after the original code. For example, logging a function.

from __future__ import print_function

def log(fn):
    def wrapper(*args, **kw):
        res = fn(*args, **kw)
        print("%s(%r) -> %s" % (fn.__name__, args, res))
        return res
    return wrapper

def ispal(word):
    if len(word) < 2:
        return True
    return (word[0] == word[-1]) & ispal(word[1:-1])


Common Mistakes

Misusing expressions as defaults for function arguments

def foo(bar=[]):
    return bar
  1. Expect to return paz everytime foo() is called. But this is not the case.
  2. After calling foo() three times, you will get [“baz”, “baz”, “baz”]
  3. This is because, the the default value for a function argument is only evaluated once, at the time that the function is defined.
  4. To get around it:
def foo(bar=None):
    if bar == None:
        bar = []
    return bar