
Character Encodings For Modern Programmers


  1. The story of Unicode really starts with ASCII.
  2. ASCII is important because it basically defined the subset of punctuation marks and symbols that would be used in every programming language and operating system that followed.
  3. ASCII is a 7-bit encoding
  4. There were national variants of ASCII where certain symbols where replaced with their national variants. For example, # was replaced with £. This causes a lot of problems with programming and was eventually abandoned. Note to enter unicode characters using *urxvt* hold *Ctrl+Shift* and type the hex code. Finally, release *Ctrl+Shift*. For example, for *£* type *Ctrl+Shift+a3*
  5. ASCII 8-bit encodings add extra 128 code points and thus adds support for national variants.

UNIX, Terminals, and C1

  1. UNIX is a terminal-based system (which means that it is usually operated by entering commands on a terminal).
  2. UNIX used to be controlled by a dumb terminal. It is a physical equipment with a 80x25 screen and a keyboard that connects to the UNIX server by a serial line.
  3. If you send text to the serial port of the terminal, it is the terminal that decides which actual character to print on the screen. Similarly, when you press a key on the keyboard, it is the terminal that decides which code to send to the UNIX server.
  4. On top of this, this same communication channel needs to be used for sending control sequences, such as for moving the cursor, clearing the screen, and these sequences are all sent in-line intermixed with the character codes. This means that we can’t assign characters to every code point. We need control codes, and these control codes cannot overlap the characters in the character encoding.
  5. Note that printable ASCII range is from 32 to 126. Codes 128 and above, however, are a free-for-all. Terminals can use them as control codes, printable characters, or basically anything and it doesn’t matter to the UNIX server.
  6. Block of control codes 0 to 31 (known as the C0 block) as well as code 127 in ASCII are already allocated to control codes.
  7. For reasons of consistency and interoperability, a recommendation was developed that codes 128 to 159 should be reserved for a second control block (called the C1 block), and only codes 160 to 255 be used for printable characters, and this formed the basis for most pre-Unicode UNIX encodings.
  8. However, it is not a hard and fast rule, and UNIX itself does not treat the C1 block any differently from the rest of the upper 128 codes.
  9. This makes UNIX basically language agnostic. Let’s say we have a UNIX system and we have two files with names consisting of the character codes 68 196 and 68 228. When we connect a Greek language terminal to the system and list the files, we will see “DΔ” and “Dδ”. When we connect a French terminal to the system, we will see “DÄ” and “Dä”, and when we connect a Thai terminal we will see “Dฤ” and “Dไ”. The fact that the three different terminals show 3 different things doesn’t matter. A Thai user can still open one of the files by typing “vi Dฤ” on their keyboard, the same as the Greek can by typing “vi DΔ”. As far as the OS is concerned, as long as the underlying codes are the same, everything works fine. We might note here that “δ” is the lower case letter for “Δ” in Greek, whereas “ฤ” and “ไ” are completely different unrelated letters in Thai. This doesn’t matter to UNIX because the OS doesn’t try to do anything fancy like case-insensitive file names. The same applies to file content. If you print a file to the screen, the codes gets passed directly to the terminal, and it is the terminal that does the rendering. The OS doesn’t need to get involved.
  10. Thus UNIX itself does not need an “encoding” setting. It simply doesn’t care.
  11. However, any command or system service that is going to output human-readable error messages needs to know which language to output. Similarly, any add-on programs, particularly those that might perform some kind of collation or text processing, want to know what language they should use. But again, this does not need to be a system-wide setting, and only need apply to a particular user’s session. The system thus uses an environment variable (LOCALE) which specifies both the language and character encoding.


  1. DOS and Windows does not use terminals and thus screen is addressed directly through the video adapter.
  2. This means that it does not need any control codes. So DOS/Windows assigns printable characters to all of the ASCII control codes (0 to 31 and 127) and all codes above 128.
  3. DOS/Windows is still considered ASCII based since maintains all of ASCII printable characters (32 to 126).
  4. This obviously is a major problem as line feeds get messed up in text files. And there is a problem with printing to ASCII serial printers which uses ASCII control block for printer sequences.
  5. Another problem with Windows is that it uses case-insensitive file names and thus the OS needs to know the encoding (whether Greek, Thai, etc). Thus, Windows requires a system wide encoding.
  6. It should come as no surprise then that Microsoft was one of the big backers of Unicode and produced one of the first Unicode-based OSes.

Programming With 8-Bit Encodings

  1. In most cases you don’t need to write encoding-aware software. For example, the C compiler does not need encoding-awareness.
  2. In regular expression, all characters are byte-based and thus user needs to only input correct expressions for their language (e.g. a Norwegian person wanting to match all upper case letters is going to have to use the regexp /[A-ZÅÆ]/ instead of /[A-Z]/, but the actual regular expression parser does not need to be changed).
  3. The basic assumption is that we have the same encoding end-to-end, so tools don’t have to do any conversion, they just spit out whatever input they get in.
  4. If you want language-dependent operations, then use <locale.h> and <ctype.h>. You will need to perform setlocale and then do isupper, islower, etc.

Multibyte Encodings

  1. Multibyte encodings are needed for East Asian languages of China, Japan, and Korea (CJK). ASCII is not enough to hold all possible combinations.
  2. Other encodings based on ASCII, use multi-bytes to represent a single character.
  3. The basic idea is that all non-ASCII letters are encoded as multi-byte sequences with all bytes in the 128 and higher code range. This means that we can suddenly start naming files in Japanese and Chinese without making any changes to the underlying OS.
  4. However, the following will not work char mychar = '字'; since this will appear to the compiler as two characters. Also, regexes to do not work as expected. Finally, outputting to fixed-width terminal or printer will not work as expected since these characters now take up two bytes (thus two spaces) to display one character. The exception here is Shift JIS. Single byte characters in Shift JIS take up single character cell while double-byte characters always take two character cells.
  5. However, with Shift JIS, they use the code 92 (backslash) as part of second byte. Thus, printf("十"); actually looks like printf("X\"); to the compiler. There are 42 characters that use backslash in Shift JIS.
  6. Prior to Unicode, the C and C++ standard libraries do not have any functions for handling CJK encodings. Note that you can use ``mblen()`` to see how many bytes a character takes.

Pre-Unicode Summary

  1. Firstly, just about every application runs off the idea of a single encoding end-to-end. On UNIX, in particular, many protocols are encoding agnostic.
  2. FTP is a great example. It has no concept of encoding or any way of specifying encodings. Whatever raw character data it receives it sends on through untouched. It’s up to the sys admin to make sure everyone using it sticks to the same encoding.


  1. The very first thing we need to understand is that UTF-8 did not exist and was not envisioned when Unicode first came into use, and Unicode referred basically to what we now call UTF-16.
  2. Windows NT was the first major OS based on Unicode, and was coupled with NTFS, the first major filesystem to support Unicode.
  3. However, NT still had the concept of a default non-Unicode encoding, the same as DOS and Windows 95.
  4. This non-Unicode encoding is called the ANSI code page on Windows. The Win32 API thus comes with two complete sets of API, the ANSI API which accept string arguments of type char* encoded in the default non-Unicode encoding, and the Unicode (or wide char) API which accept string arguments of type wchar_t*.
  5. On UNIX, things were slightly different, and this is reflected in the C/C++ standard libraries. On UNIX, the expectation was that people would continue to use non-Unicode encodings in conjunction with the LOCALE environment variable, but programmers would be given the option of an automatic conversion to Unicode mode of file operation, that would allow them to code using Unicode while the underlying OS and file content would continue to use non-Unicode encodings.
  6. When we open a file in C (using fopen()), the file does not have an orientation. If we call a non-Unicode file function such as fgets(), the file gets set to non-Unicode orientation, and we simply get passed the data from the file.
  7. However, if we call a Unicode file function such as fgetws(), the file is put into Unicode orientation. This does not mean that the file on the disk is treated as containing Unicode. Instead, the C standard library assumes that the file is encoded in the non-Unicode encoding as specified by LOCALE and performs implicit automatic conversion of the file content from that non-Unicode encoding into Unicode in the form of wchar_t*.
  8. On Windows NT, however, we have a problem. The C standard library still assumes that files are saved in a non-Unicode filesystem. There is no support for Unicode filenames. There is no variant of the fopen() function which accepts a wchar_t* for the filename.
  9. UNIX chose 32-bit Unicode standard (ISO based) while Windows went with 16-bit universal encoding (Unicode organization). Thus, eventually we ended up with a 32-bit Unicode standard with UTF-16 as a variable-length 16-bit encoding.
  10. Around the sametime UTF-8 was being developed, which was another variable length encoding.
  11. Once UTF-8 was released, UNIX had a clear path towards total Unicode compatibility. Simply adopt UTF-8 as your standard encoding and all your problems go away.
  12. UTF-8 is the basic standard encoding used in Linux and it’s derivatives. Since UTF-8 can be encoded in a char*, it even works fine with the broken C standard libraries. UTF-8 plugs into the C standard library on what was meant to be the non-Unicode side since it is stored in char* and specified as an encoding using LOCALE. However, Linux/Windows interoperation is worse than ever.