

The latest jessie install as of Sept 02, 2014 is debian-jessie-DI-b1-amd64-netinst.iso. This already comes by default with systemd as the init.

During the install, select all defaults and just select SSH Server and Standard System Utilities in tasksel.

Basic Setup

  1. Enable force_color_prompt in .bashrc.
  2. Update apt lists and upgrade all packages.
  3. Login using su and install sudo.
  4. Add the following lines using visudo:
# User privilege specification
logicube        ALL=(ALL:ALL) ALL
  1. Install avahi-daemon so we don’t have to remember IP address. We don’t have to use no recommends here since the list of packages it recommends is only one.
$ sudo aptitude install avahi-daemon
  1. Add UseDNS no to /etc/ssh/sshd_config and restart ssh service.


  1. Create /var/log/journal where systemd can store persistent journals.
  2. The directory should be owned by systemd-journal.
$ sudo chgrp systemd-journal /var/log/journal
  1. Fix the permissions for this group so that any user that is a member of systemd-journal should be able to access it.
$ sudo chmod g+rwx /var/log/journal
  1. Add the user to the systemd-journal group:
$ sudo usermod -a -G systemd-journal logicube
  1. Reboot the system using systemctl reboot.


  1. Install basic X, use -R to not install recommended packages:
$ sudo aptitude install -R xserver-xorg xserver-xorg-core xinit xinput xserver-xorg-video-intel xserver-xorg-input-evdev x11-utils
  1. Install e17:
$ sudo aptitude install -R e17 fonts-droid librsvg2-common
  1. Install a small display manager CDM
    1. Install dialog package as a dependency.
    2. Install git (–without-recommends) to get the latest CDM from
    3. Clone cdm to /tmp.
    4. Run sudo ./
    5. sudo cp /usr/share/doc/cdm/ /etc/profile.d/
    6. chmod +x /etc/profile.d/
    7. This procedure doesn’t work, CDM gets stuck.
  2. Install nodm. Edit /etc/default/nodm and set NODM_ENABLED to true. Finally, change NODM_USER to logicube. Reboot the system.


  1. Install chromium with recommended packages.
  2. Install rxvt-unicode-256color.
  3. Create .Xdefaults with the following settings:
URxvt.font: xft:Droid Sans Mono:style=Regular:pixelsize=15
!URxvt*letterSpace              : -1

! make a scrollbar that's nearly black
URxvt*scrollBar:                               false
URxvt*scrollBar_floating:                      true
URxvt*scrollBar_right:                         false
URxvt*scrollColor:                             #202020
URxvt*urllauncher:                             chromium

! matcher.button # 3 is a right-click
URxvt*matcher.button:                          3
URxvt*saveLines:                               8192
URxvt.perl-ext-common:                         default,matcher

! Theme
URxvt*background: #000000
URxvt*foreground: #ffffff
  1. Install vim and vim-gtk with recommended packages.
  2. Install lxde-icon-theme, lxappearance, gnome-themes with recommended packages.
  3. Install cifs-utils for mount.cifs without recommended packages.