
Identifying and Solving Performance Issues

Steps should be followed in order:

  1. Understand the problem
    • Half the problem is solved when problem is understood clearly.
  2. Monitor and collect data
    • Monitor the system and collect as much data as possible.
  3. Eliminate and narrow down issues
    • Come up with a list of potential issues and possibly narrow them down eliminating any non issues.
  4. Make one change at a time
    • Make one change and re-test. Don’t make multiple changes at one time.

Common Server Problems

  1. “Transfer-Encoding: chunked” isn’t needed for progressive rendering. However, it is needed when the total content length is unknown before the first bytes are sent. Usually, it is used automatically by Web Server when you start sending data without knowing the length.

  2. A server is used as a proxy in order to perform cross domain requests. If the server returns 502 error it means: The server, while acting as a gateway or proxy, received an invalid response from the upstream server it accessed in attempting to fulfill the request.

  3. Sometimes a server is not accessible why is that? Answer in terms of DNS.

    The DNS resolver’s cache is controlled by the time-to-live (TTL) value that you set for your records and is specified in seconds. For example, if you set a TTL value of 86400 (the number of seconds in 24 hours), the DNS resolvers are instructed to cache the records for 24 hours. Some DNS resolvers ignore the TTL value or use their own values that can delay the full propagation of records.

    If you are planning for a change to services that requires a narrow window, you might want to change the TTL in advance of your change to a shorter TTL value. This change can help reduce the caching window and ensure a quicker change to your new record settings. After the change, you can change the value back to its previous TTL value to reduce load on the DNS resolvers.

Common AJAX Problems

  1. Although, almost all browsers support JavaScript today, there could be some users accessing it with JavaScript disabled.
    • Should design to degrade gracefully when it detects JavaScript is disabled.
    • Also build the website to work without JavaScript. Then, JavaScript should be used as an enhancement. Most users will see the page with JavaScript anyways.
  2. Sometimes user doesn’t know a request has completed. Thus, display a message or status indicating request has been completed.
  3. AJAX requests can’t access third-party web services.
    • The XMLHttpRequest object, which is at the root of all Ajax requests, is restricted to making requests on the same domain as the page making the request.
    • Solution is to use your server as the proxy to access API of third party web service.
    • Can also use jQuery to perform cross-domain requests ($.ajax() API).
    • Can use <script> tags that load JavaScript files from other domains. JSONP (JSON Padding) uses this technique to dynamically create <script> tag with necessary URL.
  4. Using back button on sites with AJAX can sometimes revert the page back to its initial state.
    • Solution to this is to use internal page anchors. Basically, save the current URL and use that.

Common App Engine Problems

  1. If you have timeouts in your application, you maybe updating a single entity group in your datastore too rapidly (about 5 times/sec). Datastore will be in contention. Design issue of BigTable.
    • Can be a problem if you have a entity that is a counter that you want to update faster than 5 times/sec.
    • Way to reduce problem is taking advantage of extremely cheap and fast reads from datastore. Thus, use sharding to split counters into N counters.
      • When you want to increment the counter, pick a shard at random and increment it.
      • When you want to read the total count, read all shards and sum up all counters.
      • The more shards, the higher throughput on increments to counters.
    • Another way is to make updates to memcache and periodically flushing to datastore.
    • Timeouts can happen if your data is in a tablet that is currently being moved around between servers for load balancing when you are trying to access it.
    • Timeouts can happen if you are writing large data and thus tablets are being split while you are writing. Use exponential backoff strategy before retrying since it takes sometimes couple hunder millisecs to a sec or two for tablets to be available.
  2. To handle errors in datastore gracefully, make transactions idempotent. Thus, if you repeat the transaction, the end result will be the same.
  3. If daily budget is exceeded in app engine, application could serve errors.
  4. When upgrading to a new application, don’t move all your users right away. Use traffic splitting to gradually move new requests to new version of your application. Cached objects may no longer be cached thus an increase in read latency.
    • IP Address splitting works by hashing IP Address to value of 0-999 and splitting based on that.
    • Cookies give finer split control and more detailed statistics. Uses GOOGAPPUID cookie and range of 0-999.
    • Some issues with traffic splitting is cached documents. Use Cache-Control and Expires header to tell proxies that resource is dynamic.
  5. To avoid thundering herd problem (where retries get compounded because first retry fails and all requests keep trying), use backoff on retry.